Cedar House Farm
DIY Clay Garden Markers
This weekend, we crafted clay garden markers. They’re perfectly imperfect and I love them. This DIY is easy and fun to make so I’ve included a short supplies list and tutorial in case you’d like to create your own!
Babydoll Southdown Sheep at Cedar House Farm
I thought it might be worthwhile to share a bit about our babydoll Southdown sheep and why we chose to add them to our farm. This heritage breed was not a decision made on a whim, but rather one made after exhaustive research with close consideration of our land, the space we had available to dedicate to animals and the climate of the area we live. -
More Time in Nature
This year, the kids and I have a goal of spending 1000 hours outside! We printed off a gorgeous free tracker from 1000 Hours Outside and have it hanging proudly on our wall and easily accessible to the kids when they come inside. I hope you will consider downloading it too! It can be catered to what works best for your family and is a beautiful way to encourage time outdoors together in nature.
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