Cedar House Farm
Homemade Calendula Salve
Last summer's calendula has been put to great use. In addition to saving hundreds of seeds, I have enjoyed making infused calendula oils, lotion bars and salves. To infuse oil in this way is to infuse it with history. Calendula salve is a wonderful skin care remedy to have on hand in your home, as it can help sooth dry skin, rashes, bug bites, minor cuts and scrapes, and minor burns too. It is versatile and gentle enough for all ages to use, making it great for gifting as well.
Growing, Harvesting, and Preserving Calendula
Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is well-known and most widely used for its anti-inflammatory properties, helping sooth skin irritations and heal wounds. It is also a pain reducer. The beautiful colorful petals of calendula are not only edible, but rich in flavonoids. It is mild and safe to be used topically on children.