I made my first batch of beeswax food wraps last weekend and, already, I love them. I made some larger ones specifically for cover my sourdough proofing bowls and to store bread between meals. I also made a few smaller sizes for wrapping avocado halves, cut herbs and fruit, and for packaging snacks and sandwiches for adventures. Here’s what I recently learned about natural beeswax wraps that made me decide to make them:
Chickens. The gateway animal. Where it all begins. You start with a few cute fluffy butts and, before you know it, you have a couple dozen and are figuring out how many more you can fit in the chicken coop without your husband noticing.
This year, the kids and I have a goal of spending 1000 hours outside! We printed off a gorgeous free tracker from 1000 Hours Outside and have it hanging proudly on our wall and easily accessible to the kids when they come inside. I hope you will consider downloading it too! It can be catered to what works best for your family and is a beautiful way to encourage time outdoors together in nature.