The Warrior Plant
A gift from Mother Nature, yarrow is native to the Northern hemisphere and grows freely in grasslands and open meadows.
Yarrow has a place of honor in Greek mythology, as it is said that when Achilles was born, his mother dipped him in yarrow tea, holding him by one ankle. As an adult fighting in the Trojan war, it was a wound on the ankle (said to be the only place that the yarrow tea had not touched) that ultimately took his life. For many wars to come throughout history, yarrow was used to stop bleeding of wounded soldiers, so is commonly called “the warrior plant", lending to its many symbolic meanings, including healing, bravery, and protection. In addition to slowing bleeding, it can aid in bringing down high temperatures, sooth sore throats, activate the immune system, aid the digestive system, and even promote labor! All from those tiny gorgeous petals! It truly is an incredible plant and one I love growing in my backyard garden.
I sowed my yarrow seeds in the greenhouse a few weeks back and they’ve sprouted and are happily growing. This year, I’ve chosen a variety of shades of pale pink, lavender, peach and pale yellow for floral arrangements and crafting, and traditional white for medicinal uses.