Garden Journaling and a Holistic, Organic Pollinator Garden
Each year, I document in a garden journal all the details about what I grew, harvested, and enjoyed most. I write down my failures and well as my successes. What I fell in love with and want to grow more of, as well as what doesn’t make the cut for the next growing year or doesn’t grow well on our property’s unique microclimate. Garden journaling is a calming therapeutic process that I truly enjoy.
This year (2022), my goal is to continue to grow an expansive holistic pollinator garden. One that is colorful, beautiful, and organic. Sometimes called a "Bee and Butterfly Garden" it is one that invites both you and our winged friends in to stay a while. Here are some of the plants I’m currently growing that pollinators enjoy just as much as I do:
- Anemone
- Aster
- Basil
- Bee Balm
- Borage
- Calendula
- Camellia
- Catnip
- Chamomile
- Chive
- Cosmos
- Dahlia
- Dill
- Echinacea
- Fennel
- Lavender
- Lemon Balm
- Marigold
- Mint Julep
- Narcissus
- Nasturtium
- Oregano
- Pansy
- Peony
- Peppermint
- Pineapple Sage
- Poppy
- Primrose
- Ranunculus
- Rose
- Rosemary
- Sage
- Snapdragons
- Spearmint
- St. John’s Wort
- Strawflower
- Sunflower
- Thyme
- Tulip
- Yarrow
- Zinnia
While this is not my entire growing list, these are the herbs and flowers pollinators most enjoy. For more tips on how to make your garden space more pollinator-friendly, be sure to also read my journal article entitled, The Pollinator Garden (2021).
For a list of all my favorite gardening supplies, visit my To Grow A Garden Amazon affiliate page. For high quality garden tools, I highly recommend those by Barebones Living.
If you are drawn to the language of flowers, a complete glossary of flowers, herbs and other botanicals and their meanings can be found in a book I co-author with Lisa McGuiness, called The Love Language of Flowers. It also includes step-by-step tutorials, a toolbox section filled with floral concepts, and over 30 botanical designs with meaning that honor the seasonal rhythms of nature, build confidence, and provide flexibility to let your own creative voice develop. It is truly an excellent resource for those seeking to grow their botanical creativity in a meaningful way.
If you are drawn to the language of flowers, a complete glossary of flowers, herbs and other botanicals and their meanings can be found in a book I co-author with Lisa McGuiness, called The Love Language of Flowers. It also includes step-by-step tutorials, a toolbox section filled with floral concepts, and over 30 botanical designs with meaning that honor the seasonal rhythms of nature, build confidence, and provide flexibility to let your own creative voice develop. It is truly an excellent resource for those seeking to grow their botanical creativity in a meaningful way.
Ready to take your herbal journey to the next level and expand your knowledge of how plants can nourish, soothe, and support? The Herbal Academy has a wide range of top-ranked herbal courses, workshops, resources, workbooks, journals, and so much more.

Disclaimer: This article may contain Amazon affiliate links. Cedar House Living LLC receives a small commission for sales generated through these links at no additional cost to you. I use the commissions to further expand my garden, floral, and herbal knowledge so I can continue to share what I learn with you.