Botanical Confetti
This is a fun and simple way to use dried herbs and edible flowers for a wide range of uses. Botanical confetti is not only beautiful, it is biodegradable and eco-friendly too.
You Will Need
edible botanicals of your choice
dehydrator or drying rack/screen
To Make
Collect your fresh edible botanicals and disassemble them by removing unnecessary stems and foliage. Dry the herbs in a dehydrator (or air dry using a drying rack/screen) until completely dry and brittle. Break blossoms apart into individual petals, removing and composting the base of the blossom. Blend your botanicals of choice together to make your confetti. If using for culinary purposes, store in a clean, dry glass jar for up to a year. If using for crafting or decorating, it can be stored in any container and kept until the petals begin to discolor.
To Use
In addition to using confetti for it's traditional purpose of decorating table tops, botanical confetti is biodegradable, making it an excellent option for wedding confetti that's tossed into the air or sprinkled along an aisleway. Botanical confetti can also be used to add a whimsical touch into a greeting card envelope or for various crafting projects (think anything you would use traditional paper confetti or even glitter for.)
In the kitchen, botanical confetti adds flavor, color, and textural interest to baked goods, salads, soups, and more. Freeze in ice cubes or use to garnish cocktails or mixed drinks. Or, stir into finishing salts or sugars.
Edible Blossoms, Petals and Buds for Colorful Botanical Confetti
bee balm (purple)
borage (blue, purple)
calendula (primarily available in cream, yellow, orange and shades of peach)
carnation (assorted colors)
chamomile (white, yellow)
cornflower (primarily blue, purple, pink, white)
cosmos (primarily pink, white)
dahlia (assorted colors)
echinacea (primarily purple, also available in other assorted colors)
hibiscus (primarily shades of pink)
honeysuckle (primarily pink, orange, yellow, white)
lavender (purple)
lilac (purple)
marigold (gold, yellow, orange, white)
nasturtium (orange, peach, yellow, red)
pansy (purple, assorted colors)
primrose (pink, assorted colors)
rose (assorted colors)
sunflower (yellow, sunset colors)
sweet William (pink, purple, assorted colors)
viola (assorted colors)
violet (violet)
It is important to ensure that the botanicals you procure are organic and free of all chemicals or pesticides.
Precautionary Note: Never include azalea, buttercup, daffodil, delphinium, foxglove, hyacinth, hydrangea, iris, lily , lily of the valley, or wisteria, as these botanicals are poisonous and/or toxic when ingested.